Is Remedial Massage Therapy claimable with NDIS?
Massage services may be eligible for NDIS coverage in specific instances. To have massage included in your NDIS plan (or your client's plan if you're a support coordinator or agency), it typically falls into two categories:
1. Improved Daily Living
2. Improved Health and Wellbeing
Many individuals have reported that massage can effectively aid in managing chronic pain, as well as reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. The eligibility for coverage may vary based on how your NDIS funding is managed:
- For self-managed participants, you can book and pay for your massage, keeping the receipt. Then, submit a payment request for the amount spent.
- If your plan is managed by a third-party (plan manager), you can consult with them to identify a suitable service provider and have them handle the payment for your massage.
- If your funding is NDIA-managed, please note that unregistered providers, such as our massage services, are not eligible for this funding method.
Kindly be aware that I am not a registered NDIS service provider. While you can access my services if you are self-managed or plan-managed, if you are NDIA-managed (agency-managed), my massage services may not be available for you.
Is Pregnancy Massage Therapy safe in the first trimester?
Yes. Pregnancy massage is safe if performed by a Remedial Massage therapist who has advanced training in pregnancy massage. As well as having none of the following contraindications during the first 12 weeks:
- History of bleeding
- Abdominal pain
- Nausea or hyperemesis gravidarum
- Fever and malaise
- History of previous miscarriage
- Pre-existing high risk condition prior to pregnancy, including but not limited to, diabetes, kidney, hypertension, cardiac disease to name a few
- Poor outcome in previous pregnancy
- Previous late term loss (past 20 weeks gestation)
- Placental abruption in previous pregnancy -
I loved my massage, how often can I have them?
Pregnancy Massage can be performed weekly if you require it, in saying that I like to work back wards. In the last two months you may want or need a treatment weekly, in the two months prior to that fortnightly and prior to that every three weeks. Most importantly listen to your body and what it needs then follow suit.
I just gave birth, how soon can I have a massage?
Generally as soon as you feel you need it, it’s your body any you know best. You can feel very sore post birth so you may want one as soon as 2 days.
Is Pregnancy Massage claimable with private health insurance?
Yes, if your pregnancy massage is provided by a qualified, insured and registered Remedial Massage Therapist your massage may be claimable with your private health insurance. Please check your personal policy to be certain you have cover.